Mindfulness with a smile
Enhance your life with our
mathematically proven philosophy:

The Best Medicine
Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the effects of stress. Humor immediately lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded and alert.

You Must Chill
Relaxation is… ok, let’s be real –> you don’t need an explanation as to why relaxation is so good… if you have ever felt relaxed you probably thought something like, “OH, heck-to-the-yes! THIS. I really *&%$ing like this feeling!”.

G-vana feels Great
Do G-vana feel great? Then it’s time to get G-ful with it! When you reach a pure G-ful state you will recognize it because your joyful contentment will reveal the best version of yourself which immediately gives you the superpower ability to properly attend to the we/us/ALL.
About Gfulness
Your path to mindfulness
Take a deep breath in…….. and, slowly, let it out…. Relax your muscles. Relax your joints and bones. Adjust any adjustamentable parts that need adjusting. Put on headphones. Click on the Gfulness app… your journey towards ultimate Gfulness has begun! Take another deep breathe in…… Let it go……LET. IT. ALL. GO….. Still holding on to some stuff? That’s fairly common –> here’s how you get rid of it: Choose an audio selection from a genre on the app. Maybe a long Meditation? Perhaps a short Daily Inspiration? News? Poetry? A Story? A library of audio pieces awaits your laughter, smiles and full G-laxation. You innerstand that smiling and laughter lead to immediate beneficial changes in your mental and emotional state, giving you an opportunity to engage the world with the best intentions and highest aspects of the self. For what is ‘self’ other than the word I just typed? Try to describe ‘self’ in the middle of the woods, in the middle of winter, without any clothes and NO WORDS allowed -> only Mind and Mime. (The 2 sacred Ms!) It’s pretty hard to do. Easier to just press play on a Gfulness piece and all will be revealed in thyself’s ears.
New, funny and relaxing content is added to the app every week. Travel up the chakras towards ultimate Gfulness. The more you listen, the higher you shall ascend.
Gfulness is your path to mindfulness with a smile. 🙂

“I’m not one who uses mindfulness apps or participated in meditation regularly but this is funny — I am way more likely to use this this than a more traditional mindfulness app.” – S.S.
What the people are saying

“I LOVE GFULNESS!!!!!!” – K.R.
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